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Our Menu
Main Dishes

Jjamppong 짬뽕
Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup

Chili Peppers Jjamppong 고추짬뽕
Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup with Chili Peppers

Meat Jjamppong 고기짬뽕
Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup with Meat

Soft Tofu Jjamppong 순두부짬뽕
Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup with Chili Peppers and Soft Tofu

Beef Jjamppong 비프짬뽕
Non-Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup with Beef Broth

Jajangmyeon 짜장면
Noodles with Black Soybean Sauce

Chili Peppers Jajangmyeon 고추짜장면
Noodles with Black Soybean Sauce and Chili Peppers

Meat Jajangmyeon 고기짜장면
Noodles with Black Soybean Sauce and Meat

Bokkeummyeon 볶음면
Stir-fried Seafood Noodles with Oyster Sauce

Vegetable Bokkeummyeon 야채볶음면
Stir-fried Vegetable Noodles with Oyster Sauce

Jaengban Jajang 쟁반짜장
Stir-fried Noodles with Black Soybean Sauce

Kongguksu 콩국수
Noodles in cold soybean broth

Jajang Bap 짜장밥
Rice with Black Soybean Sauce

Jjamppong Bap 짬뽕밥
Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup, Served with Bowl of Rice